Sunday 26 April 2009

Money doesn't make the world go round....

...but it helps when your bank card decides it wants to work abroad!

After trying in vain to make my card work in Yungsan yesterday I decided to venture to an ATM this morning and see if it had been activated for use. Luckily there was a cash point at Hwaeseo station and thank the Lord that it decided that it was going to work! The meer fact that I am not likely to starve to death through lack of finances inspired me to be brave with my exploring this afternoon!

Even though it was pretty cold outside I decided that I needed to get some exercise after two weeks of nothing but walking and occasionally running upstairs and headed in the direction of sports shop (not that I knew where any were). I came across what I thought was one on the highstreet heading towards Pal-Dal mountain and sure enough I was able to buy a football there and then head across the road to buy a cheap pair of trainers to knock around in!
There is a park just near where I live that has two goals and also several basketball nets so I spent much of the afternoon shooting at both types of nets before deciding that was enough to make up for doing very little so far.

When I got back home Charlie was in and asked if I wanted to go throw the American football around with him so we went to the park just down the street from the station and really freeked some Korean people out by throwing the only American football in Korea around.
I decided to be brave this evening and cook myself a meal as Charlie and Kevin had both ordered Goobne chicken from down the street. With my new found riches I was actually able to get a whole bunch of stuff from Homeplus Express and decided to keep it simple by buying some pasta and some pasta sauce, not even I can screw that up! That's the first time that I have eaten pasta since being here (except the occasional noodle in stew) and it tasted good! I reckon that's one of the major things I have been missing from home!

I discovered yesterday that Korean television shows 3pm Premiership kick offs on an Asian version of ESPN so I spent most of last night watching the Chelsea West Ham game which was a bonus. It looked bright and sunny back in London. Over the last too days the weather has been pretty grey and miserable, yesterday it poured down and today the sun didn't shine once. I have noticed that the temperature tails off in the evening too and it's probably about as warm as it is in England. It's supposed to be hot tomorrow but naturally I will be stuck in a classroom and not notice.
After work I'll be doing my best to head to either E-Mart or Suwon station to see if I can find myself a portable hard drive and some dvds. Mine is getting rather full and I really need to take some stuff off it to stop my computer from being so slow!

Time to sign off and get back to planning tomorrows lessons. Enjoy the last of the weekend!

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