Monday 27 April 2009

Back to the grind and going solo...

If you thought my tales of exploring yesterday we brave just wait till you discover what I managed to to with myself today!!!! And yes that is the said star craft channel at the top of the screen!

Had a fun monday back at Talkster today, we made dice in kindergarten class as numbers are the theme this week, they seemed to enjoy it and i finally got to demonstrate some of my artistic skills to some kids who might actually think they are half decent. My other classes this afternoon were good too and by the time it came to 6pm I was ready to do some exploring.

I needed to hear to E-Mart to see if they sold hard drives but first decided to go for a walk towards Hwaesong to see if there were any electronic type shops heading in that direction. I couldn't see any...but what I found was much cooler anyway.
Turns out that I stumbled upon a side entrance to Hwaesong fortress and also a part of the city walls which was pretty cool (hopefully I've remembered to attach to pictures at the bottom of the page. A brisk walk turned into a serious mission as I headed up the road towards Suwon station and decided to see if I could direct a Korean cab driver to the nearest E-Mart using my less than basic Korean!

I managed to end up in the right place which is a bonus, and as it turns out it isn't actually that far away from where I live. The ride cost me about 3000 won which is about £1.50. I told you it was cheap here!
After Charlie and Kevin had finished work we headed to a galbi place which is at the bottom of our street and to the right. The women working in there were laughing at our foreign-ness from the moment we walked in there to when we left, infact one woman who was cooking out meat for us, did practically everything except chew the meat for us which was very kind, even though we actually did know what we were doing.

We then decided to head to Baskin' Robins which is rapidly becoming a favourite of mine. We all know how much I love ice cream and when you don't get it very often and it tastes good it's an absolute treat. Today I decided to go with cookies and cream flavour which was absolutely amazing. They had taken away the fudge one I got last time and replaced it rather disappointly with 'green tea', I'm sure that's probably a big Korean seller. They did have some other random flavour which was blue, red and white but I'm sure that was loaded with ridiculous amounts of sugar! I'm trying to be all healthy with my food so I don't think that would have gone down very well.

Aside from exciting exploring this evening I got some other good news today which is that Talkster is closed on friday for Korean 'Mayday'. Most of the teachers were delighted to discover that the not they had been giving out to their students written in Korean could be roughly translated into the fact that we have the day off because it's the first of May. I hear a rumour we also have next Tuesday off as well but I think we have a teachers meeting tomorrow so I will find out then.

Well I think it's about time to sign off for the night and head to bed. Feel free to check out the pics and video which I have posted below.

Night x

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