Tuesday 21 April 2009

Into Week Two

Not much going on in the last two days but I figured I'd better get some practice blogging and filling time until something exciting happens!

Started off my second week of teaching on Monday with some enthusiasm. This week I am teaching the Kindergarteners about emotions (not that they know what the word means, they are more interested in just drawing smiley faces!) We drew some pictures in class today demonstrating different feelings and I think they enjoyed it. It's amazing the amount of ideas I am coming up with despite having no real guidence on how to teach them at all. A few of the brighter ones understand but the whole idea of learning is completely lost on most of them.

My other classes are going well two, I have now learnt all the kids names that I teach (aren't I clever!) and they all seem to be enjoying what I am trying to teach them. Mum if your reading this don't get any ideas about signing me up as a teacher in England, I think I'll stick with the journalism for now but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying myself. I'm going to try and take some pictures of my classes and put them on my blog so you can see how small and cute they are.

I'm planning to start learning the Korean alphabet on my lunchbreak tomorrow, I read a bit about it this afternoon. It's basically built of vowels, consenents and sylables, sounds easy eh?! Well apparently it's not supposed to be as complicated as Japanese or Chinese but having fully mastered chopsticks to this point I figure it's time to move onto the next challenge!

We ate at a lovely restaurant a bit further down the main road where we live yesterday, we had a started of several meats on kebab sticks with some noodle soup which was lovely. Realising we were outsiders the guy also brought us some freshly made french fries and then we had a seafood platter. It was absolutely lovely (except for the evil octopus which has been planted in there to freak me out! See below)

I also decided to take a picture of some rank food they sold in HomePlus. We once spotted that some of the market vendors in Suwon sell Silkworm. For those who don't know imagine a cockroach without wings. (Think 'The Bug' from Men in Black, his main course basically) I heard a rumour they sold them in cans too and yesterday I discovered that for 950Won (about 45p) you can buy a can and they are drained in oil. When I come back, you'd better be careful not to annoy me as I will be bringing some back for an unsuspecting person to eat!

It rained all of yesterday and has been rather cold today which is a little dissapointing considering the weather at the weekend. I've tried to set up a forecaster on this webpage so you see the temperature in Suwon but whether it is working or not I don't know. It stayed dry today and hopefully at the weekend it will be nice weather too.
Haji told me that my flat should be cleaned and ready now but I didn't get the keys back so I can't move my stuff over there. Hopefully it will be done by tomorrow or Thursday so that I can at least unpack my bag and not feel like I am holiday any more. I'll take some pics when I do.
Me and Charlie are planning to make a living room between out two rooms and if he can find a reasonable priced PS3 then we are going to set that up in there too. Should be pretty cool and fill in many of the moments between class when I am wondering what I can do with myself. At the moment it isn't too bad actually as I have my DS and am reading the Damned United. Also with my self-taught Korean lessons I have plenty to do!

Sorry it's not been very interesting folks, but even during an adventure you have to deal with the 5 out of 10 excitement days. I've probably seen about a million new things every day that I have been in Korea but even after just eight days I am starting to feel more and more at home.

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