Sunday 31 May 2009

An Unwanted Visit to Suwon Medical Center

This is usually the kind of time on a Sunday when I am blogging about my weekend's activities (hopefully I'll get chance to do that tomorrow!) However today I feel it a necessity to let you all know the sad news that I had to spend a few hours in a Korean hospital this evening.

During our Inter Suwon game this afternoon I decided to try and help our team out by stopping the opposition scoring. Their best player was lining up a shot on the edge of the box and in trying to close him down I managed to volley the ball clear, jar my foot and kick the bottom of one of their players studs. I sumhow walked off the pitch unscathed thinking that in five or ten minutes I might be able to come back on but it was only when I decided to take off my boot to look at the damage I realised the extent of the pain that my 'heroics' had caused.

A combination of the pain and the heat meant I had to spend the second half lying down in the shade with ice on my foot and after the game had finished my coach was nice enough to take me back home so I could get some medical attention. I headed off to Suwon Hospital and had an x-ray. Despite fearing the worse, my foot wasn't actually broken but two bones are severely damaged.

I now have to spend the next week with a cast on my leg, unable to get it wet or basically do anything. Take a course of pain killers and even worse hobble around on crutches until my next appointment!

Obviously it's not been my happiest moment in Korea so far but I am glad that I was able to somehow bumble my way through and get to see a doctor. Hopefully the cast will come off next week and I can put some pressure on my foot as at the moment it is extremely swolen and not very fun!

I'm going to get myself some well deserved rest as I am still going to attempt to teach tomorrow and like I said I should be able to update you on the day and a half before the visit to hospital.

Take care x

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