Tuesday 2 June 2009

Crutches, Kraze and New Classes

Considering that I have some spare time on my hands after partly disabling myself for a week or so I figured I'd get chance to write a midweek blog as I didn't get much of an oppertunity to do so on Sunday because of the hopsital visit.

Aside from the visit to the medical center I didn't really get up to much on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday Kevin had an earache so me and Charlie headed to the Screen Golf Zon (No not Zone, it really is called Zon.) Just like everywhere else we go to I think we really made the guy in theres afternoon. It was pretty busy when we went in so we sat and waited for a free space and the guy was kind enough to lend us a putter to practice on the rooftop putting green. While I practised impossibly sinkable shots the guy chatted with Charlie and it turns out he's actually pretty damn good at golf.

One the people before us had finished playing me and Charlie got into a full 18 holes of a course which he said is pretty close to him. Luckily for us, this one was actually built mostly on sand so there was none of the 'Out of Bounds' business we had to deal with last time and although I spent quite alot of time hooking my way out of sandtraps, all the practice time I'd had in the garden back home chipping balls into a net paid off. I was a little angry when I hit the flag on three consecutive holes and it then decided to bounce off their and roll it's way further off the green than I'd been hitting from but in the end we both got a score of +31 which is probably about 100-ish and is far better than I did on my last round of 18.

We then headed to Alex's to play some FIFA in the evening and despite the plan to Itaweon we decided it was a little too late for any of those shenanigans and me and Charlie substituted that in favour of a trip to Baskin' Robbins for some delicious ice-cream. I don't remember the flavour that I had this time but it was a mixture of about three four and then it had some strange little bits of poppin' candy in there which were quite tasty. For the rest of the evening I watched the FA Cup final between Chelsea and Everton. It was pretty strange not to be at home watching the game, possibly for the first time in my life but I guess this trip to Korea is about new experiences and I certainly have been getting plenty of them.

I hear that the weather has been nothing short of phenominal over recent days and I'm glad to say that Korea hasn't let us down one bit as the temperatures have been well into the 80's everyday and infact I think Sunday might have been the hotest day of the year at around low 90's.

Following the trip to the hospital on Monday I wasn't terribly excited to be getting up for work on Monday morning and despite the distressed look on all my kids faces when I hobbled into the classroom, everything seems to be working out quite well. I have to say that my Kindergarten class were nothing short of distressed and even Larry, the kid with super ADD was well behaved and he kept passing me my crutches as a apose to what I though would do which is stamp on my foot.

Yesterday I also started my new run of classes which is two extra than when I started at Talkster but feels like alot more as for the last two weeks I have been working till 5pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
On Monday's at 5pm I now teach the class I taught on Tuesdays and Thursday's at 5pm and today I teach a new class which is very beginner at 5pm and the class I taught at 6pm for the first time last week now carries on as a permenant fixture. The class of beginners I taught at 5pm is three very sweet little girls who don't know any English at all. They were obviously very shocked to see me teaching them this afternoon and they spent most of the time giggling to themselves. Because they haven't learnt any English at all before their first lesson on Monday today I had to keep it very basic and we learnt about the alphabet (well the letters C and D.) It was pretty tough, and although they were very shy to speak or say anything I am hugely shocked that I managed to teach about four letters of the alphabet for a whole 50 minutes without running out of things to do!

This evening we decided to head somewhere a little different and made for 'Kraze Burger' which is in Suwon Station. One of the guys we work with, Josh, recommended it to us and me and Charlie went in there on Sunday but I didn't get a chance to actually try one of the burgers. I had the standard burger from there and I have to say that it was one of the nicest burgers I have ever eaten. Obviously we got it with French Fries too and because a/ We're foreign and b/ They were entertained us, they brought us some chilly fries too.
It was a throughly satisfying meal and the speed at which they managed to make it an serve it to us was incredible.

I really have to say that one of my favourite things about Korea so far is definately the food. OK, I understand burgers aren't very Korean but the whole meal cost about £5.00 which is just less than a large at McDonalds. The difference in quality between the two is indescribable and also the difference between that and the horrific Lotteria burger I had at the zoo is incredible. I'm sure that at some point I will come across another meal in Korea which isn't that great but at the moment we're in the positive by about 60 from two months worth of food.

So that's the story of the last two days, not very thrilling I'm afraid but I can't be having too much fun while I am incapacitated. I walked, well hobbled back, from the Ogari on the corner of the main road to my room this evening and I feel like I had spent an hour in the gym! Unfortunately crutches aren't as cool when you are the one on them and I am feeling like I will definately be getting blisters on my hands and will continue to have sore arm pits for a long time!

Until next time, take care....

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