Sunday 28 June 2009

Rising Temperatures, A Traditional Korean Way to Celebrate Friday and Transformers

FEELS like I haven't blogged in a long time...

Probably because I haven't I guess, but with continuing pain and swelling involving my foot it is hard to do very much of interest! I can only appologise to those of you who have been following my blog intently, only to discover that on a weekly basis I am complaining about not doing anything with my time! I'll try to keep the whinging to a minimal, but unfortunately that means that this entry probably isn't going to be very long!

This week sure flew by as has been the way with the month of June for me. It's crazy to think I have been here almost two and a half months now, nearly a quarter of the way through my time in Korea and yet to go crazy. I think that might be an achievement. Discussing with the other guys apparently the first three months of living in Korea are the 'honeymoon' period and it's within the next three that you start to hate the country. Hopefully that won't be the case, but my boss seems to think that Charlie is on the verge of a 'mental breakdown' because of his occasional rants so I am expecting a similar diagnosis when I start complaining about things.

This week in kindergarten we have been learning about telling the time which was a surprisingly easy subject to teach to the kids, well, to the ones who know numbers anyway. By the end of the week I got them to be able to tell both hours and minutes on a clock so hopefully when I ask them what time they go to be in the future they wont tell me '12 and 9'.

The weekend started off with the usual meal of galbi at our friday night restaurant but after that we had a 'date' fixed up with our friend Hans from Baskin' Robbins and we spent some time in a Korean bar talking and drinking. Hopefully it will be something that we are able to do again, I think next weekend he is taking us to go watch a Suwon Bluewings game which should be pretty interesting. With the lack of Premiership action on television I am looking forward to being able to watch a game, even if it is of a slightly lower standard than I am used to.

On Saturday, after a nice lie in, me and Alex headed to Songtan as he wanted to buy a new PS3 game. We spent the rest of the afternoon at his joined by Charlie and Kevin. I know it has been hot back in England but on Saturday it was absolutely beautiful, and although pretty humid, I would say that the temperature can't have been anything more than 90F. I have been warned by my boss, as we all have that the summer is a nightmare, but if that is the temperature which I have to deal with then I would be satisfied. As with most foreign climates compared to the UK, the humidity takes a bit of time to get used to and when you feel the air conditioning on your body it makes a nice difference! The one in my room has been used a couple of times so far and I think in the next three to four months it will be getting some more use.

Sunday involved playing some golf in Yungtung with Charlie and Kevin. Despite playing on the easiest course on the game with very few out of bounds and only one lake, I managed to score almost as badly on 9 holes as I did on 18 a couple of weeks ago. Shows how much of a fluke it was. I blame the foot and the fact that since friday I have been feeling a little ill. On saturday while we were out and about my left arm rather disturbingly went numb, followed by my right one going the same way. I haven't really been affected by my heyfever too much since I have been in Korea but this weekend I have had a blocked nose and all kinds of sneezing fits.
It draws me to the conclusion that because I have been ill so many times already with small things, my body is still doing it's adjusting to Asia. By the time it is finished I'm pretty sure it'll be time to return home.

On the way back from playing golf this evening we stopped to see what time Transformers 2 was on at the movies as we've been planning to see it all week. We has an Italian for dinner and then came back before returning to CGV just before 8pm to catch the movie.
Aside from being 2 1/2 hours long and full of very little storyline, I have to admit that I did enjoy the movie. It wasn't as good as the first one but who doesn't like almost every part of every set being blown up and watching robots fight. There just aren't enough films like that!

Seeing the longest movie I have watched in a while has made me kinda tired so I am heading to bed for an early one this evening. I'm planning to teach the kids about colors tomorrow so it shouldn't be too difficult to work some kind of planning out. Hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend, till next time...take care x

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ben, what's up?

    I recently got accepted to teach in Uiwang and google directed me to your blog. I've been trying to get information on the area but it's hard to find anything... I'm just an ignorant American. Do you think maybe we could email/chat about it sometime? I could very well be there in a month.
