Saturday 2 May 2009

A Trip to the Zoo...Seoul Style

After many days of anticipation the day had finally arrived to visit the zoo in Seoul!

Boy was I excited!

For once we didn't have brave the usual boradm of the Seoul subway system as it turns out the Grand Park Station is about eight stops away from Hwaseo. Initial problems about me 'dropping my English' on the ticket seller were overcome when he finally realised where I was trying to buy three tickets too. Prehaps if I spoke English with a Korean accent I wouldn't have had to repeat myself about sixteen times before my version of Seoul Grand Park because his very same version.

We had a relatively troublefree way to the station, the lack of seats was a little displeasing but at least the turned the AC on so we didn't have to roast. The weather was very warm so that was a welcome bonus. Unfortunately not a bonus was the fact that the journey from the exit to the subway station to the entrance of the zoo was blocked by about 10 silkworm vendors.
Once we worked out the meaning of the strange signs we hopped on board a tram which took us to the enterance of the zoo and we brought out tickets.
At first I was sceptical about whether the price for entry would really be 3000 won (about £1.50) but turns out it really wasn't a joke.

Seoul Grand Park is supposed to be the world's 10th largest zoo and it was pretty big. I'm sure that once you have been to a few zoos you generally get bored of them, I mean how many times can you be surprised by the size of an alligator or amazed by the fact there is an elephant in front of you. Well for me, never is the answer! I loved every second of my trip there (except the disgusting Lotteria burger we had for lunch). It did have pretty much every species of animal except panda bears which we found quite strange! One of the highlights of the day was a grizzly bear which had clearly been trained to perform for the crowd and also a camel which seemingly couldn't get enough of being fed grass by us!

By the time we got home I was pretty beat and I certainly didn't need a strange bout of 'Korean fever' to constrict me to my bed for the rest of the night, unfortunately you can't always have everything the way you want it to be and the combination of a sore throat, dizzyness, sickness and sneezing was enough to wipe me out for the rest of the evening! Hopefully by tomorrow I can make a full recovery and not have to deal with the unenjoyable fact that I am miles away from home and feeling rotten!

I've added a few pics from the zoo but to see them all head over to my photogallery at

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