Sunday 17 May 2009

Pebble Beach, Taco's and avoiding How-Wrong-Dae

Evening everyone!

A bumper edition of updating to come as I haven't been on the blog all weekend and obviously I have been making the most of my time outside the classroom.

After an inexplicable bout of body fatigue on Thursday and Friday I was pretty glad that it was the weekend. Charlie's antics in Now Bar last weekend obviously encouraged him to take it a bit easier this week and there was no soju on the table at our Friday meal at Ocha's.
It still tasted damn good to me, Kevin and Charlie (as usual) and in the pouring rain we decided to find a nearby pool hall to end the evening's entertainment. We actually wanted to go bowling but had been told that most alleys close at about 8.30pm as bowling is a daytime activity in Korea.
Wise to open up something when everyone is at work, but not after a meal and a few soju's!? Takes some business nouse to work that one out!

We tried in vain to check out the place across the road from 'Kiss Bar' but as soon as we walked in and saw 15 tables with 'Three-Cushion-Pool' going on it didn't look too promising. We decided instead to head to a bar right next door for a drink. As usual when we head into a building we do so to much bemused looks, but it was pretty obvious that we had made the lady-owner of the bar's evening when we turned up, and not just because we were the only customers. As usual Charlie dropped his English on her and after trying to communicate with us in Korean she then appologised for not speaking in English. In the words of Charlie "it's OK sweetheart, we're sorry!"

A few conversations later we decided to retire to our rooms for the evening with hope that the weather wouldn't be as poor when we woke up the next day. We were sadly disappointed to find that on Saturday the weather had worsened and it wasn't only raining, but raining harder. It was in a way quite heartwarming as it reminded me of being in sunny Manchester instead of Suwon.

We headed to Yungtun by cab to meet Alex. Charlie did the navigating again telling the guy to head towards 'Digital World One', something we discovered later which was completely incorrect! It took us about twenty minutes to get a ride though which wasn't too fun. After standing at the Orari for ten minutes and having drivers either ignore our outstretched hands or just flatly refuse to take us we finally got a life.
'Digital Complex One' wasn't as far as Yungtung but we still ended up in the middle of nowhere and spent the time waiting for Alex visiting a few randomly placed sports shops along the street.

We met Alex and another English guy he works with, Ian at the screen golf place right near by their house. I have to admit having not played golf for a long while I was pretty apprehensive but looking forward to the experience. For those who don't know, screen golf is a pretty amazing thing and might just be a business I have to invest in when I return home.
Fittingly as the weather was horrible outside screen golf is pretty much the perfect tonic for a rainy day.

Set up in a pretty spactious room is a computer, a huge digital screen and a golf tee and putting lane. I was soon to discover that quite accurately replicated by the computer are the golf shots which you play from the tee with a full set of clubs and like being out on the course (without all the boring walking and bad weather). After a few practice hits, one of which went horribly awry, we started our round. Seeing as we were foreign the guy set us up on an accurate representation of Pebble Beach...three hours and nine holes later we were about ready to head out with Kevin having absolutely destroyed all of us.

I managed to finish with an not unsatisfying score of +26, safe in the knowledge that if we go again and Alex is there I won't be losing. He finished with exactly double par on each hole and it could have been alot worse if the computer didn't cut you off after a certain number of shots. I really enjoyed myself actually and will definately be hoping to go again. For 15000 won (£7.50) it's an absolute bargin and so much better than going on a driving range as you get to play different kinds of shots. It's wierd to be playing into a screen but with the wonders of technology it's able to read your swing, power and distance. Even though putting is a bit of a pain in the posteria it's certainly the same amount as fun as going out and doing the real thing!

Typically me and Kevin were hungry so we headed back to Suwon to get some dinner. A rather good sumation of my experience of Korea happened on the way home as in the pouring rain when we were trying to cross the road a perfect stranger came and stood next to Charlie and put his umbrella over them both. Although he couldn't stop himself from cracking up, it's quite funny that that is the kind of hospitality I have been experiencing during my time in Korea and even though people stare and the kids giggle and laugh at you like you're an alien from outta space, people are very friendly here and it's definately something I will remember.

Arriving back at Suwon Yuk (Station in Korean, and another knew word I learnt!) we decided to head to he usual Medeterranian place for some kebabs and nan bread. A quick return to Talkster for a shower and we were heading out again to Hongdae to go and see Josh and Michelle's band play for the 2nd time. Hoping to avoid a repeat of the last fiasco we actually looked up where we were going this time and surprisingly made it there with no hitches what-so-ever!

Upon arrival in the 'Times Square' of Korea I was again pretty hungry (yeah, my tape worm came with me to Korea as well!) and upon seeing Subway I was instantly excited by a meatball sub! Next door however Kevin spotted a Mexican place and the once in a year oppertunity of eating a burito was even more appetising than 'eating fresh' at Subway!
I had a chicken and rice burito and I must say that it was absolutely amazing. As far as food went today was a very good day!

We headed towards 'Club Ta' and had a throughly enjoyable experience listening to some good music, being surrounded by 'foreigners' and even putting on my dancing shoes for a period of time. By 2am me and Kevin were throughly ready for home but the sight of a chicken Gyros energised us once more. We spent the next 45 minutes looking for somewhere else to go and despite walking in too places and then immediately turning round and coming out we made the decision to have one more Gyros and then head home!

Jumping in a taxi, Charlie played chief negotiator as always and agreed with the guy to take us back to Hwaseo. Now we've had some crazy drivers in our time, but this guy was a complete fruit loop. Making strange noises to Charlie all the way back and then explaining in Konglish that the river Han was filled with toilet waste were some of his highlights. As was his blatent misunderstanding of the difference between 'radio' and 'meter'. Of course these problems were caused by Charlie trying to get the guy to put some English music on but instead starting the meter up! I swear at one point I thought my cheeks were going to burst!

Getting in at 4am I was pretty much ready to crash and didn't surface from my room until about 12.30pm. With no basketball and no ice hockey on TV today there was pretty much no reason for me to get up! Sunday has mostly been spent messing around on the computer, chatting to friends and spending some time reading my book and playing my PSP in the park.
The weather has been rather strange today as the sun wasn't really out for very long but some how managed to dry up all the rain. This then gave way to some gusty winds, which then turned into an annoyingly cold wind!

This evening we headed to a pudong-ji-geh place for dinner which was mighty nice and also mighty cheap. Since then I have just been planning what I am going to teach tomorrow and emailing the lovely members of my family back who have been kind enough to get in touch!

Time to head towards bed now, I have been watching the final moments of Liverpool Vs West Brom but now that has finished I have no excuse to stay up any longer.

Goodnight (and don't forget to keep checking out my picture gallery and also the video gallery!)

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