Thursday 14 May 2009

One month and counting...

Sorry I haven't updated as much as I was doing in the first few days of my time in Korea, what can I say, things have gone stale! There's only so many times I can express how much I am enjoying the experience!

This weekend has been pretty quiet as it happens. Unfortunately I have actually had to work all five days this week and this evening I have been feeling extremely nakered. I'm looking forward to the weekend once again and the end of my fifth week here.

I know I keep on mentioning it but it is actually amazing that I have been here over a month already. Time certainly is flying by which is some aspects is good as I am getting plenty done and also learning a lot but obviously it's bad because before I know it my time here will be finished and it'll be back to the 'real world'.
As usual this week I have had plenty of emails to reply to which is always a pleasure. It's strange that i seem to be able to keep in contact with people better when I am on the otherside of the world than when we live within the same postal code!

Most of this week has revolved around teaching, playing football and sleeping (what's new eh!?). After a knackering weekend I think the lack of sleep on Friday and Saturday took it's toll on my body as everyday after playing football down at the local school I have been getting more and more tired. On Tuesday I must have been out there playing until at least 8pm, by which time it was completely dark.

As well as the kids that I usually knock about with some middle school children decided they wanted in on the action and decided to take myself, Yung-Ji and about fifteen eight year olds on. Inspired by my defending, the tireless running of Yung-Ji and the goal hanging and and hustle of the kids we managed to beat them quite easily! One of my proudest victories!

Tonight I had football training which was fun as usual. I met he manager of the team, Phil, who spoke to me about joining up properley by getting a a shirt and the rest of the kit. It's really cool hanging around with some other 'foreigners' and making new friends is something I seem to be coming quite adept at! There's no game this week which is pretty annoying but I'll look forward to training next week and perhaps if I don't play for two hours every day after I finish Talkster I won't be so tired!

Schoolwise things have been going well this week. In KU we have been learning about opposites and I think the kids (even Larry!) are actually understanding. They keep running up to me in the middle of class pointing at something and going 'Ben, high' or 'Ben, over'. It's like wow, you actually do listen to me even though it doesn't seem like it. Tomorrow I am teaching them about the difference between a 2d shape and a 3d shape so we'll see how that goes.
I''ve been writing short assesments about the kids this week too which go home to the parents. It was a bit of a cop-out really as all it was were five multiple choice questions and then a two paragraph comment about the students performance.
Most of my kids are very well behaved so I didn't have to write anything too degrading. Obviously I had to use the 'compliment sandwich' method for a few kids, shall we say, the bread (compliment) was very thin on some of them and there was a substantial filling.

From what I have seen online the weather this weekend isn't supposed to be too great but we don't have any major plans so it shouldn't be a problem. Not sure if we are heading to Now Bar tomorrow (I think Charlie is apprehensive after his too much soju incident last week!). We might go looking for a bowling alley too. On saturday I think we're going to look for some screen golf, possibly in Itaewon but we might call the 'foreigner information service' and see if there is one in Suwon. Saturday night we're going to another of Josh and Michelle's gigs in Hongdae which should be fun and I imagine Sunday will be filled by doing laundry and all kinds of other bits and pieces!

Until then I am going to bid you farewell as it's way past my bedtime!x

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