Friday 22 May 2009

Uiwang Nature Park and Another Night at Now Bar

Well there flies by another week in Korea!

I feel like this one has rocketed by quicker than some of the other ones and I really haven't been any busier than usual. One day it's dealing with the early monday morning that nobody likes and the next thing I know it's friday afternoon and time to have some fun in the classroom!

I had a bonus to the end of this week actually because yesterday (Friday) was the monthly kindergarten trip so for just one day the kids were let out of their confined space and into the open world of Uiwang Nature Park about 10 minutes from Talkster. Despite the fact it had poured down the day before it was actually very nice weather yesterday and I was pretty glad as I shouldn't imagine it would have been too fun in the pouring rain with seven soaking wet kids!

As it turned out I think I had as much fun as them. Haji, Elizabeth and Charlie came with us as well and we walked around inside took a look at some fish (obviously Larry tried to bang on their tanks and communicate with them my shouting 'FISHY'! I tried to explain that just like him, the fish don't understand English, but ironically he didn't understand!) Then we walked outside and round a bit of a nature trail before coming to come animals.

The funniest moment (and I'm gutted I didn't get it on camera) came when one of my boys in the class had a bit of a scared kind of strop when he saw a frog in the grass which then decided to leap towards him. This boy is easily one of the smartest in the class and he's always reading books about dinasoars and lizzards, being a boy he also likes play-fighting but heaven forbid he sees a frog in the flesh! He came running over to me almost in tears cowering behind me like he'd just seen some kind of monster! When I realised it was a frog that was making him freak out I couldn't help but laugh!

We then took the kids inside the building and to the top deck of the building which was an observatory deck which has a view of the whole park, the nearby mountains and a lake right next to the park. The kids enjoyed looking through the binoculars to see what they could see and even if they were highly freaked out by how things far away suddenley become close by they seemed to enjoy it.
Whilst up in some open space Elizabeth explained to the kids how to play 'What Time Is It Mr Wolf?' and they had some fun playing that with me an Charlie up and till lunchtime! After a lunch of some regular kimbop which was damn good we headed up a small hill and through a little wooded trail which looped back into the park.

I think we headed back to school at about 1.15pm and with still half an hour before they got picked up by the busses I spent about half an hour playing with the kids, lifting them up and hanging them upside down, you know the kind of repetetive things that send them nuts with excitement! If someone tried to hang me upside down at the age of 24 I don't think I would be quite so happy!

I now only have two afternoon lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and as usual we spent most of the lesson playing games and also UNO. In my 4pm class one of the kids was nice enough to bring in some snacks for us to eat and although I'll never be a fan of octopus flavoured crisps it's always nice to be treated to some free food. Kevin was telling me that one of his children brought in an ice cream cake for teachers day last week, I look forward to the day when that happens! Although I think they'd better bring in two, one for me and one for them to share between themselves!

As I said my schedule has now changed so I only teach two classes three days a week and as from tuesday next week I'll be teaching a 6pm-6.50pm class on on tuesdays and thursdays. The extra hour doesn't really bother me, especially as on the first and last day of the week I won't have so much teaching to do.

I decided to spend my extra hour in the park yesterday playing on my PSP, even though it wasn't very sunny it was still quite warm although later a few rain drops decided to fall and I took that as my queue to come home. As usual on a Friday night I had to wait for Charlie and Kevin to finish before I could eat and we headed to Ocha's to get some galbi. Charlie had to Skype with one of his friends after that so I came back to my room for a bit, uploaded some photos to my gallery which you can now look at and then we headed out to NOW Bar.

It was pretty busy in there as usual and it was fun to have a conversation with the usual crowd of people. I've made a few new friends from playing football which meant that I had a larger than usual pool of people to talk to and as is now traditional we played darts. Alex joined us later on (post a date with Anna which she never mentioned!) and in a game of doubles me and Kevin proceeded to close out a game in double-quick time! Something which as ever annoyed Charlie!

After a bit of a late night I decided to stay in bed for a lie in this morning and there was an NBA game on TV so I decided to watch that in the comfort of my bed. Charlie was going to Yungsan with Alex this morning so that the later could buy a PS3, at one point last night I agreed to go but after being unable to be bothered to get myself out of bed to get a drink at about 11, I decided to take the lazy route and stay in bed.

I've just had my first actual bath in Korea too and it was amazing. Despite the stupid water non storage water system there was quite alot of hot water in the pipe and I did have to let a little bit out because I got a tiny bit carried away letting the water run! The rest of this afternoon I doubt I will be up to much. I've been quite slack on replying to emails this week so I will try and send off a couple of them. The weather has turned nice today despite the forecast of thunderstorms, I think once Charlie gets back we might meet Kevin for a game of screen golf which is always good!

Until the next exciting installment of my adventure I bid you farewell!

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