Sunday 3 January 2010

Vacation Almost Over.....

UNFORTUNATELY after a nice relaxing break, it's almost come round to the time when I am going to have to start teaching again.

We didn't manage to do anything near what we wanted to do during the time we had off (ie. skiing) but it's been good to be able to rest, have some lie ins and have some free time.
I have tomorrow off from work as well, and I hope to at least achieve something. There is snow forecast however.....

This weekend has been pretty quiet, yesterday afternoon we were invited round to Hans' house for dinner. His mum had cooked and prepared a huge meal for us which was extremely delicious and this followed friday night when Anna had her mom make us some chicken. Two home cooked meals in two days was very strange, especially after we've spent so much time eating at resturants or fast food outlets in the past few months.

Hans' mum cooked noodles, beef, vegetables and various other foods which I don't know the names of, and filled the table for the four of us to eat! Everything that she put down in front of us got eaten, needless to say, and it was extremely delicious! After looking through some old photos of Hans when he was in the Marine Corps we watched a very good Korean movie called 'Memories of Murder'.
It was based on a true story about several unsolved serial killings in the 1970's not far from Suwon. I often found it hard to watch movies with subtitles but now I've had plenty of practice so I enjoyed the movie like I really understood what each person was saying and what was going on!

After the movie we headed back home for the evening, only heading out into the cold to go and get some dinner at Kraze Burger later on. I spent most of the evening trying to keep track with the football back in England as there was non on TV this week.

Today has mostly involved doing very little. Me and Charlie went out for some lunch earlier on and then we called Kevin to go bowling as we felt like getting out of the house for a little while.
It's been a while since the last time we went (when my foot was still injured) so it made a change to be doing something different. After bowling we got some dinner and I think I plan to have an early night and then wake up at a reasonable time tomorrow and get out and go somewhere. I haven't got anything planned yet but hopefully the weather will be kind to me.

It's been a fun vactation, and although I am sad to see it coming to an end I feel like I am refreshed enough to get back in the classroom and teach again.

Take care

Ben x

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
Albert Einstein

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