Thursday 31 December 2009


JUST a short post ahead of the weekend (and inevitably going back to work) to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

It was strange not being back at home surrounding by my friends over both New Year and Christmas but the three of us (Charlie, Kevin and myself) kept ourselves entertained whilst everyone back in our respective countries probably partied a little too hard!

I know most people are usually pleased to see the back of an old year, 2009 was actually a throughly enjoyable year for me. What is more frightening is that a whole ten years have passed between yesterday at midnight, and the celebrations which welcomed in the new millenium in 1999. Wow..... So many things have happened.

Of course I would never have been able to predict back then exactly where I would be today, and I'm pretty sure if you went back into the future and told yourself what you'd be doing, you'd probably greet your future self with alot of laughter....

Even though I had intentions to make a change at the beginning of last year, I would have never predicted that in the space of twelve months I would be living on the other side of the world.

I look forward such unpredictable (or a good nature) in 2010, and whether your like me, in being delighted with the way that 2009 worked out, or exactly the opposite, I wish you the best of luck for 2010!

Ben x

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”
Bill Vaughn

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