No sooner had I shut my eyes on Saturday morning (I'll get to the reasons why later) it seems to be Monday morning and time to return to the classroom once again.
Last week, on my birthday no less, marked the nine month anniversary of my arrival in Korea, and it was quite fitting then that despite the pace at which this weekend went by, it will be one of the ones which I remember when I disappear back home back home to England in three short months.
Those of you who have been checking out my pictures over the last three quarters of the year will realise that during the night, Korea is rather lively. I've commented several times on the number of restaurants, bars and even some shops which are open until rather unexpected times in the morning.
Its probably quite a surprise that the three of us have not made more of the Korean nightlife, but this weekend we decided to make up for that (in a big way!)
Since the Inter Suwon night out way back in November, Hans has been telling us that he would be able to give us a 'Korean style' night out and this week he made plans for us to go to a Korean Night-eu (which is basically a Korean Nightclub.) The three of us hardly knew what to expect but the fact that when we went for dinner on friday Hans had some small pieces of paper with notes written down about the night, we were eager to find out exactly what was going on.
After we finished dinner we headed in the direction of Yeongtung, just south of Hwaseo and after a couple of drinks and a game of darts in NOW bar we were taken to an anonamous looking building in the middle of the mess of bars and restaurants which are there. On the top floor of this building, seemingly hidden away from society, was out destination for the evening. The Nightclub.
We'd questioned Hans a few times about whether or not foreigners were actually allowed in this place, as he said that he'd never once seen any of them go in before but what was extremely hilarious was the look on the peoples faces when we walked in.
The guy who Hans had 'booked' it all with, met us at the front entrance and when he turned round and saw that we were with him, his lower jaw dropped to the floor like an acme cartoon characters does before they are about to be blown up by dynamite.
That reaction in itself was worth the 90,000 won that we paid to get in!
Once he'd calmed himself we were taken to a 'private' room down the many windy corridors. Laid out in the room were drinks and plenty of food, and it from the first look of it, it was actually a lot like the Norebang (Karaoke rooms) which the three of us have been in on a couple of occasions.
So the room was ours for the evening and the four of us spent the evening chatting, singing and drinking with a ton of different people who upon seeing us were probably eager, like most Koreans, to find out if we were real or a figment of their imagination.
About six hours later and the three of us are starting to look at our watches because its 5.30am and we're still not in bed! It was at that point that we made an executive decision to go home and I think by the time I finally got into bed on saturday morning it was close to 6.00am!
Of course the next morning my body automatically woke me up at 9.15am (usual work time) but I was having none of that and headed back to bed until at least 12.30pm when I decided to wake up and have a shower.
Charlie woke up not long after so the pair of us went out for dinner and later in the afternoon Hans called round to see if we wanted to watch a dvd with him.
After the last couple of movies he's rented out from the shop for us were pretty decent we decided to change genre a little and we watched a movie called 'My Sassy Girl' (rough English translation!)
I think I'd actually heard of it before and the next couple of hours were spent enjoying the movie and (trying not to let the early morning get the better of me)
Needless to say that I slept like a hibernating bear on Saturday night and not even the lure of watching basketball could force me to wake up early!
Sunday was mostly spent planning exactly what I was going to go at work this morning and for the rest of the week but once Charlie and Kevin had awoken I took some time out of school work to go and get some lunch and play screen golf. Once I'd worked out how to play again I think I put in one of the more consistent performances I have since we discovered the joys of playing golf inside. The three of us did our best this time not to show ourselves up in front of the owner, Choi, who asked if he could join in with our game!
It goes without saying that owning a screen golf establishment he was pretty good and he probably made us look quite foolish!
So that was the weekend, but as I said, back to work this morning. My first full week of work as a 25 year old....
Take care
Ben xxxx
The best way to get something done is to begin.
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