Sunday 12 July 2009

A Return to Now, Hongdae and Some Retail Therapy

MY stories from this weekend can't quite top the excitement of going to watch Suwon Bluewings play last saturday but I figured it was time to blog again and make what has been a fairly routine week sound interesting - something which I feel I do very well.

My third last week before Talkster vacation in a fortnight didn't quite travel by as quickly as the last few have but each day was pretty enjoyable non the less. This week was supposed to be the start of the Korean rainy season as we were warned by our boss and on wednesday we got a pretty impressive constant day of rain which when you live in the middle of a hill is pretty frustrating.

Lessons trundled by on most days but the week in general went by very quickly and come friday it was time to head out for some galbi as usual. In a bid to prevent ourselves from spending a fourth consecutive night doing very little we decided to head to Now bar for a few drinks and although we were braced for the prospect that it was going to be very quiet because most foreigners were attending the 'Mud Festival' which is held near Seoul we decided that it would occupy some of our time.

We met Alex and Ian there as well and although there was literally about 20 people there it was nice to actually get a game of pool and darts without having to wait in a queue about three hours long.

Making Friday a quiet one meant that for once Saturday morning wasn't a complete write-off for Charlie and he decided that after three months of jokes about his vision, it was time to go and get some glasses. I decided to go along with him for moral support and considering that my glasses are as bent as hell, check out exactly how it is done!

As it turned out, it was alot easier than we both thought. Once we managed to find someone in the opticians who spoke English the eye-test was free and Charlie soon found himself with a new pair of glasses for 70000 won (about £35) which is definately a bargin. Whilst I was waiting for him to get his eyes tested some lady very kindly hooked me up with some orange juice and some Korean M+M's which again proved my theory that it pays to be a foreigner in Korea!

Whilst we waited for the lenses and frames to be readied we decided to lower ourselves and get some dinner at Burger King!
Saturday's late afternoon and evening consisted of meeting up with Alex and Ian at Suwon station to travel to Hongdae to celebrate Alex's birthday...which was on Wednesday!

We started off the evening by heading to Dos Taco's by request of Kevin. Rather entertainingly I learned that Ian has a phobia of cheese and that Alex nor Ian has ever eaten a taco before! Understandably Charlie and Kevin being close to the border of Mexico found this rather funnny! We headed to a place rather originally called 'Bull's Darts Bar' for a few games of darts and a few drinks. We then decided to do some bar hopping from a few places and wound the night down at about 1am, with me, Kevin and Charlie deciding to head back to Hwaseo-dong after a chicken Gyeros!

Today has been a pretty quiet one. I took pleasure in grabbing a lie in and after the ATM at my bank decided that it wasn't going to let me transfer money home for the third day in a week I decided to head to E-Mart and do some shopping. I picked up some food I needed and also walking around the clothes section I brought some new shorts and a new t-shirt. Hopefully this week I will be able to get hold of some jeans as two of the four pairs I brought with me have developed rather revealing holes and are ready for the bin!

This evening I went and grabbed myself a pizza from 'Pizza School' and have been listening to the latest Ashes test. I've also been doing my best to reply to all the emails I have had this week.

Time for me to sign off now and play a few games on my Wii before it's Skype time with my mum. Hope you are all keeping well x

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