Friday 24 July 2009

The Beginning, The End and Water Gun Fighting...

JUST a quick post I thought I'd better put up this evening as over the weekend I will likely be indisposed and unable to reach the computer to blog about what I have been up to over the last seven days.

The last week before vacation started with the beginning of some new classes which Talkster had decided to put on because of the public school holidays. As it turned out my new classes totalled three students in my 4pm, and one of them I had taught before anyhow. Unfortunately that did mean that that class is now up to a whopping 10 (yes, a whole 10) people but I guess that just means it takes long to get things done.

Some of the 'native speaking' students out of one of my other classes were in their last week at Talkster however which means that when I return to school I will have a class of two students (unless anyone else decides they want to join it.) Class sizes aside everything went pretty well throughout the week and I survived to the end of it without spending too much time wishing that vacation time would come up faster.

Activities outside of the classroom this week have been limited as I have been doing my best to save money, I took a walk out and through the market a couple of days just for some fresh air and I had to deal with a bank a couple of times as I am still trying (and failing) to send money home, but aside from that, nothing groundbreaking.

I worked out my KU schedule this month very well that the last day before the break turned out to be a field trip and although I wasn't sure what a 'Water Gun Survival' game was it turned out to be pretty fun. I took the kids down to the park where I had spent much of my early few weeks and once we'd dished the water guns out it was time to find the nearest 'watering hole' (or tap) and let the chaos begin!

Obviously when it comes to shooting water at people I was a prime target but once the kids realised that I was able to dodge their water pretty easily and wasn't scared to aim for their faces they decided it would be good for us to all gang up together on one person, until that one person decided they want to be part of the team too.
The rather troublesome kid in my class spent a lot of time toweling himself down after I absolutely hosed him for five minutes none stop but once he learned to run away I started attacking the innocent little girls in my group who would tell me not to shoot them, and then as soon as I turn away start firing at me!

A good time as had by all and once we got the bus back to Talkster and changed clothes we had some dinner and then drew some pictures about what we spent time doing during the day. It's incredible how these kids memories work as most of them drew themselves not getting wet and them shooting other people, one of them even had the cheek to draw everyone but themselves in tears because he was able to shoot them all with his pansy-ass gun in one go! Kids! I dunno!

Afternoon classes went by pretty smoothly too with quite a few of my students starting their vacation early and not turning up. After work I begun packing my bag (which I still haven't got round to finishing) and spent some time dabbling with my new Wii Motion Plus device which got delivered yesterday.

This time tomorrow I will hopefully be sitting on a beach in Thailand somewhere watching the sunset, and incase you haven't read my previous few blogs I am very much looking forward to it. My flight leaves at 8.30am so me and Kevin are getting up tomorrow morning to head to Incheon Airport at around 5am. I'm taking my computer with me so I should be able to stay in farily reasonable touch should you choose to email me and imagine that given the oppertunity I will be posting pictures either on Facebook or on the Shutterfly site as we go along.

Now I think it's time to bid you all farewell and head to bed as I really do have to be up at a Godly time of the morning.

As always, take care and try not to miss me too much x

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