Sunday 13 September 2009

A quiet weekend of not doing very much at all....

UNFORTUNATELY pretty much as soon as I had stopped writing my blog on Friday night the sun decided it was going to give way to the rain for a little while and with it went all hopes of an enjoyable weekend with plenty to blog about!

We had planned to go to a 'watering hole' (According to Charlie this is there a lake and moutains come together but personally I thought it was what cowboys called pubs!) in Seoul but unfortunately a downpour on friday night followed by some heavy rain on saturday morning and an extremely changeable day which couldnt make up it's mind what it wanted to do meant we had to shelve those ideas and instead do somehthing which involved not going out in the rain.

I was awake pretty early on Saturday morning and just as I got out of bed to go to the loo Charlie text me to see if I was awake as he fancied a trip to the electronics district in Seoul so that he could get a new monitor tv/screen.

With little else looking like it was going to materialise from the day because of the weather I decided to go along, even if it was just for the delicious fried chicken that we usually get whilst there. Our plan was to test out the speed of the train vs the subway but when the guy behind the desk told us that the train wasn't going to come for another fourty five minutes we decided to abandon that plan and wait until we were coming back to test that theory out.

Getting to Yongsan in about an hour, most of which involved standing up on the subway as usual we decided to get some dinner before scouting out some prices. As Yongsan veterans of about six or seven journies we were able to go straight to where we needed to go to find computer screens. Pricing a few up Charlie finally settled on one which had digital TV built in and from the same place I also decided to buy a new hard drive for my computer as the current one is getting too full and whilst we were in a place where it was cheap I thought it would be a good idea.

Thankfully on the way back the train was due to be there in about ten minutes and after being turfed out of our original seats by someone who claimed they were theres, we got back to Suwon in about twenty minutes which is much more preferable to the usual length of time it takes. AND we were sitting down, which on public transport in Korea is a rareity!

The rest of the afternoon was spent on the computer enjoying the delights of the Internet and my Nintendo Wii before in the evening the three of us decided to go out and get some dinner from the Middle Eastern restaurant which is by Suwon Station.

This morning I woke up to the sound of people next door singing to possible the most annoying K-Pop song in the world and the fact that Charlie was excitedly watching a game of college football next door I slept as long as I could without interuptions.
I had to be out of the house this afternoon to go play football anyway so while I had the oppertunity I had some breakfast and went to the phamacy down the road from where I live to get a new support bandage as the dr's surgery decided they weren't going to give me the one back which I was wearing when I went in.

I had some lunch and then headed out to carry out one of the most difficult tasks there is in Korea...trying to catch a cab on a Sunday! Luckily I didn't have to wait too long this afternoon and I was in Yeoungtung just on time to meet the rest of my team. Today's game was at the International School where we train and we were taking on a team called Seoul Storm, who were promoted from Division Two last season but had started well by winning their first two games.

It took us a while to get going after a week off and despite creating about 19 million chances in the first half, we took a 1-0 lead courtesy of my left toe into the break. In the second half the flood gates opened a little although I came off after about an hour, the team managed to go on and find a couple more goals and the score finished 5-0.

Charlie and Kevin had come to watch the second half of the game so the three of us took a walk back to the Kinnex and then took a cab back to Hwaseo, where a long soak in the bath was followed by some dinner and writing the latest installment in my blog!

There's not been a great deal going on this weekend for me to write about but as I am in the habit of writing about things I felt that I'd better give people something to read about! Considering I blogged on friday too though,I'm sure you'll appreciate a massive double dose of my life in the last three days!

Well I'm about done for this evening I think, it's only been a short one but then it really hasn't been an interesting weekend! I can only hope that next weekend brings more blogable activities.


Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.

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