Friday 11 September 2009

Injured Foot Update...

...THOUGHT i'd manage to sneak in a quick blog before the weekend as who knows if it will take me until Tuesday again to get round to writing it.

Another week whizzed by, it seems like Saturday to about Wednesday afternoon flies by but the final two days of the week usually go by pretty slowly, although by the time it's thursday I usually falsly thing I have made it to the weekend.

Not much out of the ordinary (to me anyway) has been going on this week so far. This week in Kindergarten class I was down to five students so it's been very quiet. One of the girls has decided (or at least her parents have) that she's taking the whole of september off and another one wasn't there from Monday onwards so there's just been the four boys and one poor little girl with nobody around to protect her!
We have been doing about weather conditions to teach so it's been a breeze to teach....

The kids seemed to understand to concept which is good anyway. And we didn't have any occasions when I am about to tear my hair out because they can't remember things we have done the previous day.
We spent wednesday making pictures of rainbows which was pretty fun and the kids learned that the last two colours in the rainbow aren't just purples!
There was a rather souring moment in one of my classes yesterday when one of my kids asked me how to spell 'is'. I was like are you honestly don't know how to spell that, he just gave me a cute look as if to say 'why, is it easy to spell'. Considering it was already on your paper and you just needed to look a bit harder, yes....

Anyhow aside from all the fun in the classroom yesterday I decided to take drastic action this afternoon and head to the hospital in a desperate search for the cure to my still injured foot which according to the dr's should have been repaired two months ago!
Instead of trapsing all the way to the main Suwon hospital I was pointed in the direction a medical centre which sits at the bottom of my street.

At 2pm I decided to head down there intrepidly, hoping that they might be able to help diagnose the problem, or at worse tell me that I needed to rest for a little bit longer because some damage was still to be repaired.
After seeing the state of my foot the dr decided that he needed to retest what the hospital had already done and even though I mentioned to them that they had told me there wasn't a fracture in my foot the last time I was there he insisted.

Following the x-ray I was trasped onto a minuture hospital ward, had some hot towels wrapped round my leg and told to lie there for twenty minutes until they had cooled down.
Twenty minutes later, the nurse who spoke a limited amount of English unwrapped my foot, took a machine from the corner of the room and applied four 'suckers' to my foot in the damaged areas. To say that she didn't know much of my language she amazingly knew the words 'electroshock' and 'therapy' as she explained what was going to happen.

For the first few minutes it didn't feel as if anything was happening and after asking me 'pain?' the nurse proceeding to jack up the number of vaults which was travelling through my foot. Fifteen minutes of pulses going through my foot and the nurse came back in and started doing some kind of ultra sound on my foot followed by the last treatement which involved shining a bright red light onto my foot. Im pretty sure it was a UV ray but what that has to do with the recovery I have no idea.

Ushered back into the dr's office he told me a mix of good and bad news.

The good news was that he had found the cause of the pain, the bad news is that unfortunately, despite the hospital's all clear my foot is still fractured in TWO, yes TWO places. Hmmm....not too sure how they missed that one on the x-ray over at Suwon general, even me looking at my x-ray could see what was causing the problem.

There's a fracture on the bottom of my foot right about where the swelling is and there is also one in my metatarsal which is causing the pain around there. To go with that fantastic news there is some still some soft tissue damage to my ankle which is causing the swelling to there.

Unfortunately the damage is pretty much done to my foot and aside from continuing to do what I do every day in terms of resting my foot, not using it whenever possible and icing it whenever I am in the house there wasn't much advise he could offer me.
He perscribed something for the damage to my ankle and which should stop the swelling in my foot and then he said that I should come back for a course of physiotheraphy every day so that he can keep an eye on it's progress and also make sure that the swelling is going down.

As I said the news about my foot is pretty bitter sweet as at least now I know what the prolem is, it's just not the 'problem' that was hoping for. The dr seemed pretty sure that the foot and ankle combination should be full repaired in two months time but where have we heard that before...

It was pretty gutting news to discover that there was further damage to my ankle which had not been discovered before. Not just because it hadnt been spotted by trained professionals but also because of the recovery process I am going to have to go through again but at least getting opinion worked out what the deal finally was and why, as promised, I wasn't able to recover fully.

On that unhappy bombshell I am going to leave my blog there until the weekend. Hopefully there will be some happier moments to come over the next few days but as it started raining this evening who knows what they will involved!


Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.
Mohandas Gandhi

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