Sunday 30 August 2009

A Missing Train, Pet Rock's Last Stand and Bagging a Brace

ALMOST time for the end of another weekend, sadly.

Another entertaining two days is left behind as like all hard working English teachers my mind goes back to what exactly I am going to get my kids to learn tomorrow.

Before I get round to planning for tomorrow's lessons I thought I'd better fill you in about exactly what I have been up to this week. With my Mum gone, things haven't exactly been thrilling and with no one to be a tour guide to I haven't had the chance to go out this week and have any 'adventures', bit it was fun all the same.

The week at school was basically the same as any other, or at least it must have been as I am thinking now that nothing paticular stands out about it! Tells me that my memory is bad or that nothing out of the ordinary took place.
Friday morning with the Kindergarten kids was 'field trip' day for the month though which was pretty good. It's always nice to be out in the classroom and show the kids that not stuff which I actually teach them in the lessons is not made up.

For this month's trip we went to the train museum which isn't far away from Suwon at all. It wasn't terribly interesting but in a choice between that and watching snoopy for the 80th time, trains win.
The kids seemed to enjoy themselves anyway. They were intregued by a minature railway show which we saw when we first arrived and they definately had fun playing on the trains outside which you could actually walk on.

We've been learning about transport this week so it wasn't long before there were alot of "Ben, train", "yes, that is a train", "Ben, two trains", "Yup, we're in a train museum, you'll be seeing alot of them!"

After we'd finished school for the day we headed out for galbi as usual and then me and Charlie decided to hang out at Wa Bar for a little while, where Anna decided to grace us with her company for a little while.

I woke up on saturday morning pretty excited as for a while now we had been planning to go to a food festival in a place called Chuncheon which is famous for it's creation of dak galbi. I'd estimate that me Kevin and Charlie probably eat it about once a week so a whole festival about it was a pretty exciting thing. We'd also agreed to meet up with a friend of a friend of Charlie's who arrived in Korea on Tuesday to be a teacher.

We met her and her friend at a station called Samseong which is about an hour and a half away from us and then we continued on to Chuncheonyangi which is where the internet had instructed us to go. Having not really done much research (something which in hindsight probably wasn't wise) we came out of the station and quickly found outselves wondering exactly which was we should be going and where abouts we should be turning.

We did a full circle of the market which is a few hundred meters from the station, careful not to lose sight of exactly where that was and despite Charlie questioning a cab drive on the whereabouts of a 'Dak Galbi Party' we decided to call the information line which helps out stupid foreigners like ourselves when they are lost.
We managed to signal another cab driver and were prepared to give him some instructions when Kevin relayed the information that we were actually in completely the wrong place!!! It was only this afternoon when I looked on the website that upon closer inspection I realised that we needed to get a train to wherever we were going and although we probably could have done it in the afternoon we were all quite let down by the fact that for the second time since we've been out adventuring we've ended up in completely the wrong location!


After a spot of lunch we got ourselves back onto the subway to go to Hongdae for the evening. I think I have probably mentioned before that a couple of teachers who work at our school are in a band, we've been to see them a couple of times and they have been really good. But sadly three quarters of the band are leaving Korea so they played on last show before the curtain fell on their stay in Asia.

As we hadn't killed that much time in Chenonyangi we headed to a few bars and played some darts while we waited for our friend Hans to meet us and then we could head to the bar where my friends band were playing. As usual in Hongdae we had Mexican food for dinner and then went to a club on the main street of the city.
I throughly enjoyed listening to my friends band 'Pet Rock' play for the last time, and although I was pretty tired, I managed to stay away for long enough to see the whole thing!

During the intermission the owner of the bar in his band, who were all Korean, played a few songs which were something different but very good. We didn't think that we'd have any reason to head back to Hongdae to watch music but after their performance we may just have found a good reason!

Me, Kevin, Hans and Charlie all headed back to Suwon in a cab after our enjoyable, but long day. And with just a few hours sleep under my belt I woke up this morning feeling extremely tired, and really not in the mood to play football.

Thanks to H1N1 (swine flu to you and me) the school where we usually play football is off-limits after there was a suspected case of the disease there so the game was switched to an away game in the middle of Seoul. Today we were playing the team who I injured myself against last half season so I was pretty wary about the same thing happening again to say the last!

I met the rest of the team in Yeongtong and we caught to bus and then the subway together to Apujeong which is where the game was. The field was pretty small and at first the opposition we were playing against suggested playing a 9-a-side game as they didn't have many players and due to the lack of space. We decided against that idea though and it soon became apparent that it was an extremely wise choice as we were 2-0 up within twenty minutes. Yours truely, believe it or not, was on the scoresheet. It's pretty funny that despite not being fully functional I was still able to score and then five minutes later when one of my teams mates crossed me the ball I netted again to make it 3-1!

The other team, who we had stopped from winning the league last season, we probably fed up by then and despite a barrage of attacks from them for the rest of the game we managed to hold on into the last minute at 4-3 and snuck one in injury time to make it 5-3 and keep up our unbeaten record for the season so far.

I made my way back to Suwon which seemed to take an eternity and a half and then made the decision to go out and get some dinner with Kevin and Charlie as I was pretty hungry! It's been a fun but tiring weekend and although I am not ready to go back to work tomorrow morning, I've got to earn money somehow!

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