Sunday 29 November 2009

A Quiet Night In, Inter Suwon Night Out and Plenty of Blood, Guts and Ninja Stars....

THAT time of the week has come around very quickly indeed and it seems like before I know it we're (almost) into the last month of the year. By the way if anyone has seen 2009 then do let me know....

Finishing work on Friday I was all done with adventures and shopping trips for the time being so I spent a couple of tired hours relaxing and waiting for Charlie and Kevin to finish so that we could do to dinner as usual. The three of us were all feeling pretty wiped so no delicious French Fries at IT Bar this weekend, just back to the room for some video games and chatting was on the adgenda.
After introducing him to our entertaining world last friday night, we decided to invite Hans around again and we spent a good few hours laughing and joking before tiredness caught up with each one of us and we called it an evening.

Up early on Saturday morning to keep up with the NBA on Korean TV I was well rested by the time Charlie gave me a call to see what I was up to. He wanted to go into Songtan to get some stuff so we boarded the train south of Suwon ate some dinner, got what he needed and came back.
Saturday was the annual Inter Suwon end of season 'celebration' so I spent most of the day relaxing, with a heavy night in prospect.

The three of us made our way out to dinner at 8pm before taking a cab up to Yeongtong where the rest of my team were busy drinking and socialising after an afternoon of bowling and getting dinner together. As I don't spend that much time up at NOW bar on a weekend, it's probably the first time I have been together with all my friends anytime other than on a Sunday afternoon and it was cool to hang out with a bunch of different people and for us all to be together and be having plenty of fun.

Before we headed off to Ingydong for a few different bars we had a vote on our player of the season and our goal of the season and I was amazingly lucky enough to be chosen as the Players Player of the Season which, considering I have spent the entire year playing on one leg and/out of position, I felt very proud.
We've got one game left next weekend so hopefully we can finish off the season well and end in 3rd place which will not be bad considering we're had some poor performances and one where we didn't show up at all and were docked points.

Inter Suwon is one of the things I am going to be sad to leave behind when I have to return to England. We have a great bunch of people in our team and I must be honest and say that thursdays and sundays are one of the things I look forward to most in the week. Perhaps it's because I love playing football, and also it's because I get to interact with other people who can speak my language!
Before I go back to England I'll be able to get maybe 3 or 4 games in as the season usually starts in March so I should be around for that. I won't miss running around in the cold whilst it's the off season but I will miss playing every week and I hope to be able to meet up with some of the guys if they have plans, certainly if any of them are due to leave between now and March.

As we'd been supposed to be leaving NOW bar at around 10pm and it was well past 12, everyone decided to rally around and head to a place called Noise Basement (NB) which is between Suwon Station and Yeongtong. We weren't entirely sure where we were going but hopped in a cab in that direction and then spent fifteen minutes following the exit of the cab, trying to find out exactly where NB was.
We got there eventually, losing people every now and then who would wonder off but we spent a good couple of hours there dancing away and enjoying ourselves which was a great laugh.

The three of us all had the same thoughts at about 2am of heading home so we went back to Hwaseo-dong, got some dinner and then some much necessitated sleep.

Up again early Sunday morning (and smelling like an ashtray thanks to the allowance of smoking in public places) Charlie, Kevin and I headed to Burger King to get some nurishment around lunchtime and decided to check out what was playing at the cinema in the meantime. Turns out 'Ninja Assassin' has just started showing, and ironically stars a Korean as the main character. We decided to get tickets and then come back at 7.45pm for an evenings entertainment.

Well entertainment is certainly the word and exactly what you would expect from a film which has the same writers as the Matrix Trilogy. I think it's fair to say that I sure got my fix of gore and violence from that film! It was a good watch, despite being required to turn your brain off on viewing, and it was finally good to go to the cinema after such a long absense!

That was my weekend....short but sweet! I'm about to catch my fix of Premiership football on a Sunday evening and then head to bed so I shall bid you farewell for the time being....

Ben xxx

“The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them”

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